Wir wollen für unsere Kunden ein zuverlässiger Partner sein und eine Effizienzsteigerung seiner Prozesse durch gezielten Einsatz von Software erreichen. Dazu kombinieren wir Ingenieurwissen mit den neusten Techniken der Informatik und entwickeln innovative Lösungen.
Das Angebot von SoftART AG
- Beratung und Bedarfsanalyse für den Einsatz von Software zur Optimierung von technischen Prozessen
- Entwicklung von massgeschneiderten Software-Lösungen im technischen Bereich
- Automatisierung von Fabrikationsprozessen durch gezielten Einsatz von Industrie-Robotern
- BElements BElements: Bibliothek in .NET zur Definition und effizienten Manipulation von NURBS Kurven und Flächen im dreidimensionalen Raum
- Graphics3D Graphics3D: Bibliothek in .NET zur Visualisierung von Punkten, Kurven und Flächen im dreidimensionalen Raum
- Kinematics Kinematics: Bibliothek in .NET für die Basisfunktionen für das Arbeiten 6-Achs Robotern
Fabrication Process Automation
Robot-controlled production processes are becoming more and more important in industry. The high efficiency, accuracy and reproducibility are decisive factors that drive this development.
SoftART has specialized in programming industrial robots for very complex processing steps. In particular, the processing of components with irregular shapes can be implemented particularly efficiently with our processes and libraries.
SoftART has specialized in programming industrial robots for very complex processing steps. In particular, the processing of components with irregular shapes can be implemented particularly efficiently with our processes and libraries.
Hydraulische und thermodynamische Maschinen werden in einem Designprozess entworfen und optimiert. Dafür sind genaue Kenntnisse der physikalischen Prozesse notwendig, welche in diesen Maschinen ablaufen. SoftART hat für verschiedene Kunden Software entwickelt, um die Ingenieure bei dieser Arbeit zu unterstützen.
Offline Roboter Programming
Various options are available for programming robots. The machines are often programmed using the teaching method. The robots are brought into different positions, which can then be saved.
This is extremely time-consuming and unproductive since the robots are not available during this time.
This is extremely time-consuming and unproductive since the robots are not available during this time.
CAD Automatisierung
Siemens NX is a highly developed CAD program that is used in many industries. The master model concept is a central element in NX for parameterizing components. In this way, similar components (e.g. screws) in different sizes and designs can be designed very quickly.
In the case of more complex components (eg turbine wheels), this parameterization becomes so complicated and time-consuming that it is no longer practicable.
In the case of more complex components (eg turbine wheels), this parameterization becomes so complicated and time-consuming that it is no longer practicable.